Friday, June 25, 2010


In between morning sickness and back pain, Brian and I have tried to get as much fun in as we can before these little guys arrive.

We finally took a trip up to San Francisco to visit Ashley and Ch
ristine (Two of our best friends in the world. Yes, I said OUR, even though Ashley was originally mine, and Christine, Brian's. What can I say, we married into more than just good families.) Anyway, we've been talking about it for almost 2 years, so I was ecstatic to finally be there.

We saw the city by boat and a lot by car and I can offic
ially confirm now, San Francisco is so pretty!!!

This is the captain of our sailing trip under the Golden Gate Bridge. How amazingly captain-y looking is he???
The wind out on the water was OUT OF CONTROL. Brian fearlessly walked across the front of the boat without holding onto anything but when I went to follow him, I got stuck in the wind halfway across and couldn't move. Paralyzed on the spot, I thought I was going to have to hit the deck and crawl my pathetic butt back to the side. Can you imagine a pregnant woman army crawling on the front of a boat??

How embarrassing.

Luckily some friendly strangers formed an assembly line of hands to help usher me across. Brian, completely oblivious to my near tragic crossing, just smiled and took more pictures.

Not that I'm complaining. Thanks to him we have these...
And thanks to the wind, he had this...
Luckily the babies played nice and let me enjoy the road trip, boat ride and the rest of the weekend.
I can't believe the boys didn't think this would look cute. Who needs boys. We'll show them how it's done.
After the weekend in the city, we spent Monday with Christine in Palo Alto. Christine is taking a leave of absence (GENIUS) so she was able to be our tour guide all day.

The majority of our day was spent at Stanford under these amazingly huge umbrellas.
Thanks for a fabulous weekend girls! We love you!

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